Work of Fiction

This blog contains some posts from a fictional character in a trilogy I am writing. She is not real and she is not based off a real person. Thank you.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


For those of you following my Dark Angel trilogy, you will be happy to know that the rough draft of the final book is complete!  I am working on the rewrite as we speak and I am looking toward a possible release date of July 14, 2013.

On another note, I have an idea for a new story brewing.  Yes, I had planned to take a break after the trilogy is complete but this one woke me last night so I guess it will have to be put down.  Plan is to take it slow though, no deadlines or anything.

Well, that's about all for now.  Have a wonderful night!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My thoughts on Cornerstone by J. M. LeDuc

Cornerstone by J. M. LeDuc brings us back to that ragtag group that you cannot help but affectionately consider family.  Here we see the Phantom Force after the Trilogy of the Chosen and watch Brent struggle with some of the worst pain he has had to deal with yet and thus go through another painful but necessary transformation.

Just when Brent is ready to give up, he receives a message from the divine that gives him the push he needs to finish his mission.  Although there is a religious base to this book (as with the previous trilogy) it is not so overpowering as to overtake it and definitely worth reading.

Be prepared for tears with this heart wrenching story and an ending that leaves you wondering where this tale will go next.

If you have not read the Trilogy of the Chosen, you should start here:  Cursed Blessing (Trilogy of the Chosen)


As always, if you read a book please leave a review.  It may not seem like that much to you, but we really appreciate it.  Happy reading!