Work of Fiction

This blog contains some posts from a fictional character in a trilogy I am writing. She is not real and she is not based off a real person. Thank you.


Friday, December 20, 2013

New Amazon Page

So Amazon Affiliates offers a new function where I can create an e-store through it with links to their products. As an author I thought this was a great way to promote my writing, and as a reader if gave me a way to share the books I am reading and enjoying, so I created one.

If anyone is interested, here it is:

BTW, to my writer friends...if you have a quick read, be it in a compilation or stand-alone, on Amazon and it's not listed in my Quick Reads section already please give me the name of it and I will gladly add it to the list.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reading and Reviews

So I wanted to post a little something about this, not just as an author but as a reader.  When you read a book, leave a review.  It does not need to be one of those long drawn out in-depth ones, a simple couple of lines about why (or why not) you liked it works.  Believe me, reviews are very important to us.  Thanks!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wonderful News!

Check out this month's issue of Suspense Magazine, especially p39 (41 of the document) where my second book in the Dark Angel trilogy DARK WINGS SPREAD is featured as one of the Best of 2013 in Dark Urban Fantasy!  

I knew that I made the list, but to be listed on the same page as one of my absolute favorite authors Kim Harrison... Astounding!  I am beyond excited and humbled over this news.

I would like to say a great big thank you to those that nominated my book for this as well as to Suspense Magazine for this absolutely humbling honor.  I cannot even begin to express how happy this makes me feel, receiving affirmation that my time writing has truly been appreciated.  

Thank you!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Eronica Unbound by Scarlett Vaughn

So okay, yes I am actually doing this.  I am writing a review for an erotica book, but with good reason! Eronica Unbound [Kindle Edition] written by Scarlett Vaughn, and illustrated by Scott P. (Doc) Vaughn is actually worth a review. 

To start, I normally do not read this sort of thing.  Erotica generally is not up my alley but I admit when the whole 50 Shades thing was big I gave it a go and was under-impressed. So I went back to reading my normal fare of supernatural thrillers.  I'm open minded however, and a friend suggested I read Eronica Unbound with the selling point of pirates.  Ohhhhh pirates! So I checked it out, $2.99 for 190 pages is not a bad price, why not...

Well, first off the artwork is amazing!  Doc Vaughn's illustrations are as sexually enticing and artfully done as the writing itself.  (By the way, you can find him on Facebook or on his website and if you need illustrations, and not just the naughty kind, I highly recommend you check him out.)

Now let's get to the nitty gritty of the book, the writing.  After reading the 50 Shades books that sent my feminist side into an uproar, I was so happy to follow the exploits of the strong willed, self-sufficient lead Eron.  Her kick-ass side balanced beautifully by her natural femininity and sexuality. And of course there are them men.... mmmmm pirates.  Oh, and harems and a power hungry Sultan and a lunatic...  Oops, spoilers. ;)  Finally, what erotic tale isn't complete without a strap or a lash and someone being punished for being naughty.  

I promise you, even if you are not a fan of erotica, this one is worth your time and money!  And remember, leave a review.  It's more important to the author than you think. :)