Work of Fiction

This blog contains some posts from a fictional character in a trilogy I am writing. She is not real and she is not based off a real person. Thank you.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Something new in the works...

I have some exciting news to share with everyone, I have recently started working on the first book in a new series. The book is called Witch Way Now? Book one in The Dorothy Thompson Series.

This is going to be something quite different than my Dark Angel Trilogy in that it is nowhere near as dark and disturbing. Instead it focuses on a young lady who has her life thrown upside down after finding out her grandmother left her entire estate to her and that she is a direct descendant to Sarah and Dorothy Good, both victims of the Salem witch trials. As she travels to Salem to sign the papers, she learns there is a dark secret attached to her family, and she may have been the one to activate a long ago cast hex. I have been putting a lot of research into this one, and I am very excited about it.
 “The hex, it was created by our five descendants long ago but it was sealed by a mentally unstable four-year-old girl and thus it went into hibernation until you turned twenty-one.” He pauses and I ask, “what is the curse?” His eyebrows furrow and he sits back, rubbing his face with both hands, “that we do not know, all we know is that all five of our grandmothers will die on our twenty-first birthdays and then something is going to hit the town of Salem.” - Witch Way Now?

Stay tuned for more!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Crazy Morning

So, sometimes being a mom and a writer can make things.... Interesting. Take this morning. Their school calender said it was a Superintendents Conference Day. This means a day off and I can sleep in. Woken by the sound of my youngest's school bus out front. Wait, what? So I call the school, it was moved to Friday and the kids were notified last week. An email went out at almost 9pm last night to the parents notifying us of the change. LAST NIGHT! So, I jump out of bed, give the cats their canned food, start my coffee, get the kids dressed, run out the door (leaving coffee behind) and drive them to school then stopped at the grocery store to get snacks and drinks for my son's little league team for tomorrow. Came home, made better coffee, finally able to take a breath.

Sadly my muse decided to take the day off so now what? I have good coffee but my books are not transferred to my local library branch to do more research and my allergies are in overdrive. Guess I will play a little Dragon Age: Inquisition on the PS3.

Have a great day all.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Meet Georgette the acrobatic squirrel...

As I was looking out at the snow flurries coming down yet again, I found George's wife working her acrobatics in my Rose of Sharon to get at the suet cake.

She and her male counterpart have a tendency to do such amazing acrobatics I somewhat feel guilty chasing them off. I mean, look at her? Isn't that some amazing work?

Well, back to writing. Started a new series and very excited to see where it goes.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Snow on my Tulips?

So, I woke up this morning, went downstairs to look to see if my tulips have bloomed yet and found this...

Yes, that is snow on my poor flowers. Yes, I live in upstate NY, yes I am 20 minutes form the lake but still? Snow? In April? On my tulips? It's not fair. :(

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


So, I spent the day doing research for a new book (possibly series) about witches and the Salem witch trials but it is not going to be anything like what you have read before.

Sometimes a hex can surpass generations.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


First off, I have gotten Midnight Town off to the editors, how very exciting! Stay tuned for more on this coming soon. In other news...

Old Wounds: A Short Story (Bandages on the Soul 2)

Old Wounds is about a young woman with a very rare talent, the ability to communicate with the dead.

When she meets a nice young man at college who shows a sudden interest in her, she worries about his motives... And with good reason.

Buy it now on for Kindle, only $0.99US.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Exciting Update

It looks like I will be releasing my latest short in the Bandages on the Soul Collection in Kindle format on Amazon Monday. It is called Old Wounds and is about a young woman with a very rare talent, the ability to communicate with the dead. When she meets a young man at college she worries about his motives...and with good reason.

Also coming out, hopefully next month, will be my next full length stand-alone novel Midnight Town available in both print and Kindle formats. Midnight Town brings you to the small town of Braxville where not everything is as it seems. When Nick, a drifter with a white knight complex, wanders through he finds himself enthralled with a young gypsy girl with a dark secret. Will his need to save her be his end...or hers?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mother Nature has gone insane!

So on Friday this happened in our neighbors yard thanks to a major wind storm. Had the row of trees not been between us, that tree would have hit our house as well. As it is, we had a huge mess to clean up in our driveway.

Since the neighbor hired a Tree Removal person to come take care of it, we were able to hire them to take down the two trees that were heavily damaged by the incident for a discounted price. The equipment was already on site so we didn't have to pay the extra fee for that.

Then yesterday we were hit with 80*F weather. Yes, from 50*s to 80*. I decided to get a little cleaning done in my flower bed out front. I managed to get 1/4 of it done but it is looking so much better, now to get to the store and pick up some more decorative stones to put down in there.

I know it does not look like much, but most of the plants have not come up yet, right now it's just the tulips, irises and possibly the daffodils. In a couple of weeks this portion will be filled with a lush green carpet of ground cover plants as well.

On the writing side, I have finally finished the first draft of Midnight Town, just need to read through it and then I can get it off to the editor. So excited to get some feedback on this one, it is new and different for me.

Will see.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

For the Birds...

House Sparrow
The rainy season has come and the poor birds are not enjoying it one bit. While I am in here working on the first draft of Midnight Town they are out there getting wet, but at least they have the suet cakes and when I can get to the store I will get them more seed.

I love taking care of these little guys, they can be so entertaining. I have a large flock of house sparrows that make an absolute mess of the porch with their seeds, with the help of George the squirrel. I also have a downy woodpecker I named Woodrow, cardinals, blue jays, assorted other birds and the cutest pair of black-capped chickadees you will ever see. 

As you can see, this spring is going to be a crazy clean-up time. The winter was really harsh and caused a lot of damage as well as left quite the gross mess in my yard and garden. I'm thinking the first day the temperatures get above 60* F I will get the kids, lots of rubber gloves, the wheelbarrow and get out there, putting them to work.
Downy Woodpecker with a blurry House Sparrow

On the bright side, my bulbs are coming up and soon there will be color everywhere, hiding the dinginess of the thaw and bringing a smile to my face.

Spring is my favorite season, with everything coming back to life and color everywhere. If it were not for the rain, I would probably be working out there.

Happy spring everyone.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Spring is in the Air

Although the temperatures are still on the low side, Mother Nature is giving me hope. This was a long rough winter, and spring is usually killer for my allergies but it is worth it with all the colors around. It is as if nature is playing with watercolors. Ahhhh happy little trees.

The Crocuses are in bloom!
 I have been fighting the urge to go out and clean up my front flower bed, which looks like someone dumped a ton of seed husks on. Oh wait, technically I did. I have a couple bird feeders on the porch and all the waste got shoveled off with the snow, right into my garden. Anyone have any good suggestions for cleaning the mess up? LOL I would use the Shop Vac, but then I would suck up all the decorative stones in the process.

Well, time to get back to work. Midnight Town won't finish itself.