Work of Fiction

This blog contains some posts from a fictional character in a trilogy I am writing. She is not real and she is not based off a real person. Thank you.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wading through the Craziness

So let me begin by apologizing, it has been so crazy lately. Aingeal has been quite vocal about this third book, and I have been spending a lot of time writing and planning it. It has been really difficult because I've been dealing with some health issues but I am trying to stick to a 1,500 minimum words/week day schedule. The book is currently at 13,800 words!

Book two is still at the editors. I spent nine months on that one and now my baby is in their hands. I am a bit nervous because I have not heard anything from either of them, I sure hope I didn't fail on that one. :(  So, unfortunately it looks like I will not be releasing it on my birthday like I hoped but I will still be doing a special on book 1:

On March 6,7,8 you will be able to buy the Kindle version of RISE OF THE DARK ANGEL for only $.99US on Amazon!

Originally this was going to correspond with the release of book 2 but I guess it will have to be it's own thing, maybe I will come up with something else for that. So for now, this deal will be my own personal birthday give to you all. I will post again on the 6th with a reminder and a link, so keep an eye out!

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